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In the post-pandemic landscape – and the ‘Great Resignation’ that comes with it – businesses are increasingly turning their focus to new ways to retain their top talent. So far, there’s been a definite trend for prioritising elements such as company culture, employee wellbeing, and non-monetary benefits. However, there’s one hugely powerful aspect that’s frequently being overlooked: the power of belonging.

Reports suggest that almost half of all UK employees fail to experience a sense of belonging in the workplace. And it’s hindering many company’s retention efforts.

Why Belonging Matters

Research by McKinsey challenges the notion that there are just two critical components of diversity & inclusion. While it is generally accepted that diverse representation and leadership accountability are essential to a successful approach to D&I, McKinsey identifies 3 additional factors: equality, openness, and belonging.

It seems that a sense of belonging is key to helping employees to feel included, valued, and perhaps even more importantly, that they deserve their position within the company. Experts have uncovered a close link between a lack of belonging and ‘imposter syndrome’, where employees feel undeserving of their role and recognition. All of this can have a negative impact on staff retention rates.

In fact, McKinsey surveyed a group of employees who all resigned from their roles over a 6 month period. It was found that 51% lacked a sense of belonging.

Examining this further, Deloitte suggests that a sense of belonging can improve job performance by 56%, reduce turnover by half, and cut sick days by up to 75%.

How to Make Your Employees Feel Like They Belong

Back in 2020, a Deloitte report showed that nearly 80% of businesses believed belonging to be crucial to success. Yet just 13% were ready to do something about it. And the situation today doesn’t appear to be much better. At a time when many organisations are focusing on recovery, they’re struggling to find the time to address some of the major challenges that are appearing in employee satisfaction.

However, helping your employees to feel more at home doesn’t have to be tricky. In fact, by prioritising the ‘Three C’s’, you can help your staff feel more valued…

  1. Comfort

To really feel like they belong, employees must know that they are able to bring their true selves to work, rather than their ‘work persona’. They must be able to feel comfortable being themselves and know that they are valued for who they are.

  1. Connection

Consider what you want your employees to feel that they belong to. Ultimately, it’s not that you want staff to feel that they belong to the business itself; it’s that you want them to feel connected to and supported by the workplace community.

  1. Contribution

Employees feel like they belong when they can clearly see how their work aligns with and benefits the wider business. Try to recognise individual strengths and skills, and work to create transparent links between these skills and overall business goals.