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The COVID-19 pandemic prompted unexpected exits from the workforce, with 77% of adults aged 50-69, leaving their jobs sooner than expected, as per data from the Office for National Statistics. Notably, 4 in 10 individuals over 50 who left work during the pandemic expressed a desire to return. The labour shortage has led companies to tap into the pool of mature, experienced workers looking to “unretire.” The question arises: Is unretirement the right choice for you, and what factors should you consider?

What are the Benefits of Returning to Work?

Financial Boost:

It could help you address increased costs and financial pressures by adding to your income, offering relief and stability.

Expand Social Circle:

You could combat potential loneliness that retirement may bring by rejoining the workforce, fostering new connections, and enriching your social life.

New Experiences and Cognitive Boost:

It could allow you to embrace different roles, learn new skills, and stimulate your brain, promoting mental and physical well-being.

Fulfilment and Belonging:

You could gain a renewed sense of purpose, identity, and belonging by contributing to a team where your skills are valued.

What should you consider before unretiring:

Adapting to Workplace Changes:

Assess whether the workplace has evolved since your last stint. Consider factors like remote work options and updated systems and evaluate your adaptability.

Job Search Strategies:

Navigate the bustling job market using diverse strategies, from online job boards to networking with former colleagues, friends, and family.

Skills Update:

Stay relevant by brushing up on skills through free or affordable online courses, local educational institutions, or volunteering opportunities.

Physical Well-being:

Reflect on your physical capabilities and assess if the roles you’re interested in align with your health considerations.

Application and Interview Preparedness:

Update your CV, craft tailored cover letters, and be ready for interviews at short notice. Anticipate various interview formats and dress accordingly for a professional appearance.

Taking the Leap:

Unretiring is a personal decision requiring thoughtful consideration. If uncertain, explore temporary roles or volunteering opportunities to ease back into the workforce gradually. Only you can decide what aligns with your goals and preferences. Best of luck with your decision!

Explore our Candidate Help & Advice Section for more tips on CVs, covering letters, and interview preparation.