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Interviews are a crucial part of the hiring process. They allow employers to assess candidates’ skills, experience, and cultural fit. But what happens after the interview? At Bond Williams we believe that providing constructive feedback is equally important. In this article, we’ll explore why interview feedback matters and how to deliver it effectively.

Why Is Interview Feedback Important?

  1. Candidate Experience Matters:
    • Candidates invest time and effort in preparing for interviews. Providing feedback shows respect for their commitment and helps maintain a positive candidate experience.
  2. Continuous Improvement:
    • Constructive feedback helps candidates understand their strengths and areas for improvement. It encourages growth and self-awareness.
  3. Company Reputation:
    • Word-of-mouth travels fast. Candidates who receive thoughtful feedback are more likely to speak positively about your company, even if they didn’t get the job.
  4. Best Practice
    • It’s best practice to avoid potential discrimination claims.

How to Give Effective Interview Feedback

  1. Be Timely:
    • Provide feedback promptly after the interview. Waiting too long diminishes its impact.
  2. Focus on Behaviour, Not Personality:
    • Stick to observable behaviours and skills. Avoid personal judgments or assumptions.
  3. Start with Positives:
    • Begin with what the candidate did well. Acknowledge strengths and achievements.
  4. Be Specific:
    • Vague feedback isn’t helpful. Mention specific examples of both strengths and areas for improvement.
  5. Constructive Criticism:
    • Highlight areas where the candidate can improve. Be specific and offer suggestions.
  6. Use the “Sandwich” Technique:
    • Sandwich constructive feedback between positive comments. Example: “Your communication skills were excellent. However, you could consider simplifying your technical explanations.”
  7. Be Honest but Kind:
    • Honesty is essential, but kindness matters too. Balance directness with empathy.
  8. Avoid Bias:
    • Evaluate candidates based on job-related criteria, not personal preferences.
  9. Encourage Growth:
    • Suggest resources or areas to focus on. For instance, “Consider taking a course in project management.”
  10. Invite Questions:
    • Allow candidates to seek clarification or ask questions about the feedback.

Giving interview feedback isn’t just basic courtesy; it’s an investment in your company’s reputation and the growth of candidates. By providing thoughtful, actionable feedback, you can contribute to a very positive hiring experience and help candidates on their career journey.

Remember: Feedback isn’t about finding fault; it’s about fostering improvement.

Let us help you enhance your hiring process one interview at a time. Connect with us at Bond Williams today!