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Signals for the Time is Now

No doubt your career has seen twists and turns along with a steady stream of endeavors. It has undoubtedly brought both challenges and reward. It’s comfortable, and you know what needs to be done each day until the realization hits that the same old no longer works.

Focus plus perseverance eliminates wasted time found with stress.

A New Face

Reinvention is the name of the game. Take time to research known competitors in your field. Is there something new that catches your attention, or a common theme of new trends among the leaders? You just might come to realize that much of what you have already accomplished is the perfect entrée into an entirely new way of going forward.

If you have been wondering if it’s time for you to make a change in your career, consider the following questions:

• Do you feel as if you have finally entered a comfort zone?

• Are you somewhat less motivated to pursue what was previously your passion?

• Have you been considering options?


You may be at a juncture where a leap of faith is required. Take time alone to seriously consider all possibilities for your talent. List the best of what you have done up until now regarding enjoyment. Create a new listing of everyday tasks you like least. Now consider new technologies to be learned and how they apply to your work.

Out of all the topics and subject matter, can you combine the best with newer ideas to move forward? Sometimes newsletters and articles will contain similar messaging that tends to repeat itself. Should any of it have caught your eye, consider whether the advice applies to your goals. Consider whether it’s worth your time to incorporate one of the newer trends. Should you be at a place in your career to demonstrate leadership capabilities, brush up on the latest in that area, too.

By keeping abreast of the business news and financial markets to approach on serious interviews, will have you standing out as a top candidate that holds the favored personal brand.

Reviewing all that you hold important may stir up creative ideas. Pay attention to these thoughts and discuss them with trusted friends. Together you may polish the approach and improve results.

Experimentation and calculated risk help many to recognize a new feel to their work for advancement. Doing the same old makes the current seem like drudge work and then reluctance to show up kicks in. Stay motivated by challenging yourself on occasion to move up the career ladder. It may appear as frightening at first, but motivation and self-education plus the career change will have you advancing further than thought possible.

Sales Tips:

  1. Decide if you are in your comfort zone.
  2. Question if it’s time for a change or update.
  3. Remain loyal to what you enjoy most and discard the rest.
  4. Improve upon what you do enjoy.
  5. Research new thought and technologies.
  6. Combine the best of your work and the new strategies.
  7. Exchange insights with peers to improve upon the new idea.
  8. Prioritize everything that needs to be in place and a timeline for completion.
  9. Check in with a trusted friend to keep one another on track for progress.
  10. Celebrate success!

Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!
